Is Your Storage System Efficient?
02 Nov 2021
Static shelving is one of the most common storage systems available for paper based records and is normally designed to maximise wall and floor space.

Static shelving is one of the most common storage systems available for paper based records and is normally designed to maximise wall and floor space. Static shelves hold up to a 60kgs in weight so are suitable for soft cover files, binders or file boxes. Using wall height, having adjustable shelves and minimising the depth of the shelves (to match what you are storing) will optimise your storage capacity
Suitable for situations where you are looking to store more records - in less space? A carefully designed mobile shelving system can increase your storage capacity by up to 300%. With this storage system, shelves are placed on carriages mounted on rail systems. The shelves compact, optimising the floor space available. You can also mechanise your rail tracks to make the entire system swifter, if required
There are a range of different filing cabinets and storage cupboards available. Drawer filing cabinets are suitable for soft cover files only and do not accommodate binders or file boxes. Storage cupboards and credenzas are more flexible and will accommodate most forms of records - although using cupboards for archive boxes (due to their size) is an overkill - and will be expensive. Cabinets and cupboards are more suitable where in situations where there is no space for larger filing systems and larger storage boxes can be stored off-site
This storage system should be your first choice if you have limited floor space or budget constraints. The Eureka file box system is an amazing inexpensive space saving patented design. The system involves a series of strong and rigid self stacking boxes (eliminating the need for any shelving or storage cupboards) - and can store the contents of 320 binders in 1 square metre - or in a stack up to 8 boxes high. The front opening box design mean that there is no removing boxes from their stacked order, and access for retreival and refiling is instant. The box system enables you to build what you need when you it - and will efficiently store, soft file covers, binders and file boxes. Check out the video in the link below for how to install a Eureka file box system.
When choosing which storage system is best for the space and budget you have available, it is vital that you also consider your future storage needs. Planning for growth of your records, scheduling culling dates for removing inactive records for destruction, and operating a logical and easy to understand labelling system will all future proof your storage system
For product and pricing information on all of the storage options available in this article contact Office Products Online on 0-800-535-029
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